Dear Neologist,
I have a problem with reconciling myself to the difference between potential and reality. Some things or people or situations seem really exciting and promising and generate all kinds of ideas or high expectations, but then I frequently find myself disappointed by their actualization. I would like to be able to sum this up with a high-falutin' German word that I can drop into conversation with a slightly embittered sigh. Please help!
World-weary in West Hollywood
Dear World-weary,
I'm sorry to hear of your situation.
You are clearly experiencing
f, er-wuhr'-toongs-ent-tsouw'-buh-roong
(Expectation Demagication)
This is also related to the problem of
Rückwirkende Vorfreudensauslöschung
f, roik'-virr-kun-duh fore'-froi-duntz-ows'-loi-shoong
(retroactive joy-of-anticipation expungement)
Please, hang in there! Don't lose your
Hoffnungsfundierter Liebesunklarsinn
m, hoff'-noongs-foon-deer'-tur lee'-bus-oon'-kluhr-zinn
(hope-based love un-clarity)
that lets you suspend your cautious disbelief
in the hopes of finding the Real Thing after all.
The Neologist
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