Dear Neologist,
What's the word for when you are simultaneously in love with and freaked out by your life? Especially for when your life is overly full of exciting things which (separately) would be enough but (collectively) are a bit overwhelming. We are a committee of three delightedly overactive academics who need a new way to complain about our work-life balance.
Maladapted in Manhattan
Overcommitted in Orono
Ragged in Rochester
Dear Maladapted, Overcommitted, and Ragged,
One wonders if the forming of a committee was a sensible response to overextension, or if the added layer of administration will only serve to make things worse. But of course, such pseudointerrogative editorializing is entirely outside the purview of the Neologist, who is here not to question but to serve.
You are suffering from
Gleichgewichtsgefährdender Gesamterregungsübermaßzwiespalt
m, glyke'-ga-wickeds-ga-fair'-den-der
(equilibrium endangering total stimulation excess split-in-two-ness)
It is a common malady among those who combine intellectually curiosity with a deep-seated desire to prove their worth through personal achievement. Without drifting once again into the realm of the editorial, the Neologist assures you, that the Neologist understands, and wishes you good fortune in carrying your ultimately luxurious burden both lightly and gracefully.
Mit herzlichen Grüßen,
The Neologist
P.S. The Neologist took note of your decision to follow each period in your original letter with a double space, and has removed the excess spaces to spare you public embarrassment. Let's never speak of it again.
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