Dear Neologist:
I miss my old life, my life of living/working in Europe (Germany and Prague), drinking good coffee, using dependable transport and having an excuse not to celebrate things like the 4th of July. Problem is, now that I am back in the US, I am directionless... working a pointless job and dreaming of life abroad, which feels like it will never happen again. My friends can't seem to understand and all think that settling down is the way to go.
Hilfe! I need a word to call my own.
Full Passport but Empty Prospects
Dear Full Passport,
As much as the Neologist aches to create a new word for you, the German language already has the right term to serve you. The word is
n, fairn'-vay
(homesickness for the far away)
It's a powerful force, and can be quite painful. It's not the Neologist's place to ask, but why don't you go back to Europe if your heart is calling you there? Surely you'll find a job that will make you happier than your current one. Life is short. Why wait? A dream deferred is a dream denied. Perhaps you should practice
entschlossene Herzenswunscherfüllungsarbeit
f, ant-shloss'-un-nah Hertz'-sense-voonsh-er-fuel'-oongs-arrrh-byte
(determined heart's desire granting work)
Seize the Tag!
The Neologist
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