Dear Neologist:
All of my friends are having babies! Despite the fact that they all know me quite well, and are plainly aware of my slight aversion to having children of my own, these dear friends of mine consistently demand that I have a few of my own.
My question is two-fold. Is there a German compound noun that will allow me to defuse their hopes for eine kinder of mein very own, at least in the near future? And then, is there a neat little package that will describe my small fear of children of my own that also describes my capability to care-take the offspring of others?
Most sincerely,
Childless in Cook County
Dear Childless,
Let me begin by saying that you're obviously a horrible, horrible person for shirking your genetic duties in favor of what we can only assume is a non-stop sybaritic pleasurama lifestyle of constant hedonism and consequence-free interpersonalization. For shame!
Now... the Neologist feels your pain, having also been encouraged, on occasion, to give to the world a few itty-bitty little Neologists, despite his insistence that it's really not for him. What will be the magic word to get your friends to respect your procreative boundaries?
First you might tell them that you are
adj, vuhl'-oon'-frookt-bar
(infertile by choice)
Should you use the word in writing, please be sure
not to omit the first h, lest you be walunfruchtbar --
infertile by whale.
Your friends are sure to tell you something along the lines of "Oh! You say that now, but you'd be such a great parent! You just wait. You'll meet the right person and you'll have kids and you'll wonder why you waited so long and it'll be great and we can all go to the playground together."
In this case you can go one of two ways. If you want to gently ease out of the whole topic, you might simply cast your eyes to the heavens, tilt your head to the side, drop your voice to a pained whisper and ask "Have you ever heard of the German term unerklärliche unwiderrufliche Kinderlosigkeit? I'll explain, but it's just so painful to even talk about... I'm sorry... " That ought to give you a few months' peace.
unerklärliche unwiderrufliche Kinderlosigkeit
f, oon'-err-claire'-lick-uh, oon'-vee'-durr-roof'-lick-uh
(inexplicable, irrevocable childlessness)
If you feel like being a bit more direct and/or truthful, it would be hard not to give the same initial advice as to "Slowly Spinning in San Simeon." But if you'd like to be a bit more high-minded about it, and keep yourself in the pool of possible baby-sitters, why not declare yourself:
grundsätzlich kinderfreundlicher
m, groont'-zatz-lick kin'-durr-froind'-lick-urr
(fundamentally friendly-to-children procreation-non-participant)
Or did the Neologist misunderstand your query? Are you looking to express a minor fear of minors, regardless of genetic bond, and the desire not to be asked to take care of any of them ever? In that case, you might go for broke and say "I love children, especially in a nice burgundy sauce." But such things tend to rankle, and bring the attention of law enforcement.
Perhaps you should simply,
yet emphatically classify yourself as
adj, kin'-durr-in-come-put-tea'-bull
Viel Glück!
The Neologist
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