Dear Neologist,
As a creative being that also likes to dabble in sales, agentry, PR, marketing, and other acts of betrayal-to-my-spiritual-self, I am frequently beset by periods of confusion: Who am I? Am I a starving artist? Or a money-grubbing capitalist? What is the word for a half-and-half such as myself?
Cloven in Chicago
Dear Cloven,
Thank you for your inquiry. The conflict between artistic inspiration and the pursuit of filthy lucre is as old as Michelangelo's "David After Losing 20 Pounds in 20 Days Thanks to the New SlimFast™ Diet." The word that describes the condition is simply "credit card owner."
What's interesting is your anguish about the necessary
cleavage of your persona. It appears that you are a
m, shpee'-gull-com'-er-guh-fung'-uh-ner
(mirror chamber prisoner)
The cure? As you find success in your efforts
you'll simply get too busy to worry. You'll reach
the blissful state of
n, pro'-dook-tee-vee-tates'-vole'-guh-fuel
(productivity well-feeling) productivity bliss
The Neologist
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