DAILY MONSTER 99 (of 100)

DAILY MONSTER 100 (of 100)

Good morning. Thank you for being here for the big finale---Number 100---The last of the Daily Monsters. But before we get to that, let me direct you towards yesterday's amazing stories. Everybody's just kicking ass on these last few creatures. It's such a pleasure to see such great posts from all of you---new contributors, monster stalwarts, and returning champions alike. Please take some time to read the entries. They're worth your time:


We also got some cool fan art from Érico Lebedenco of Brazil


and the first entry in the Make Your Own Monster series from long-time monster contributor Sam B.


This new line of monsters was suggested by Charlotte Saylor: You post one of the inkblots in a downloadable file that people could print and draw the monster they envision. No argument here. You can download the first ink blot here, print it out, manipulate it on the computer, draw on it, animate it, make it into a piece of sculpture. Let the monsters come out any way they come to you. Have fun! (And when you're done, send me a file and I'll post a little gallery for each blot here on the site once a week.)

Now... please meet Monster 100. I hope you'll like it. I made it especially for you. It's got a few little surprises up its sleeve, not the least of which is a sweet little Monster Coda composed and performed on the viola especially for the occasion by frequent monster contributor Logan Hasson.

I started this project on November 19th as a way to pass the time while a few publishers were mulling over a book I had proposed to them --- just a little something to keep my mind off of things. I thought that some of my friends might enjoy it and check in every once in a while, but within a few days I was getting lovely comments from all of you.

You started naming the monsters, SpeakUp and Ze Frank linked to the site, around Monster 11 the first little monster stories started appearing, and on December 07, 2006 at 01:47a.m. here be simon posted his first epic (for Monster 19), paving the way for what has become a mid-boggling collection of stories. (I can't wait to read them all again to put together the book. I already have plans to graph out everybody's posts over time... but I'm getting ahead of myself.)

Since then, I've been looking forward to a fresh batch of stories every morning and you've never let me down. It has been an entirely unexpected pleasure. I never saw it coming and I can never thank you enough for the truly lovely experience you've given me over the past 100 days. It's been an absolute delight to meet all of you and I hope the monsters will bring you as much good luck as they've brought me.

One last time, I will ask you, please:


I will keep posting, of course, and there will be plenty of news on the book and on some new 344 goodies in the days to come. All of you who've asked about the original drawings and about prints and T-shirts, please make sure to check in every now and again. Or put yourself on the mailing list and I will send you the news when it happens. And of course, the Weekly Monster will make its first appearance in April.

If you'd like to hear me talk about the monster project, the two monster books, and some new 344 projects, check in on Von Glitschka's Illustrative Designer Podcast. We did the interview on Day 70, but it just went live today, so it's a bit of a time capsule.

For now, I hope that you've enjoyed yourself with the Monsters and that,
even in their absence, you'll remember that 344 LOVES YOU
